Moving From Zoom Meetings to In-Person Support Groups

people in a support group hugging

Many people began recovery from an addiction to drugs or alcohol in the past year. Lots of them have only known support groups that take place on Zoom and similar meeting programs. However, society has begun to reopen due to the widespread availability of the coronavirus vaccine. As the world opens up, so are support group meetings, and the idea of switching to attending support groups in person may feel intimidating to a newcomer. Luckily, there are ways to start the in-person transition and make yourself more comfortable.

Don’t Have a Preconceived Notion About the Meeting Place

You might have stereotypical images of dark, smoke-filled meeting rooms shown on television and film. This preconception can be intimidating, making the idea of attending from the comfort of your own home feel safer. However, every meeting room for a support group has its own individuality. It’s perfectly normal to walk into your first in-person meeting with trepidation. The odds are you will find the location is not as intimidating as you built up in your imagination.

Make Your Voice Heard

One of the most challenging parts of starting recovery can be talking to others about your experiences. When you’re just one in a sea of cameras in a Zoom meeting, you might find it easy to become lost in the crowd. If you tend to keep your head down rather than speak up, challenge yourself to share with others. You didn’t get dressed and go to the meeting to remain quiet. Share your story. Every time you use your voice, you empower yourself in recovery.

Everyone Has Felt What You Feel

When you walk into your first in-person meeting, remember that you aren’t going to feel anything that every person in that room hasn’t experienced. The long-time members all showed up with fears and concerns. The fact that they keep coming back means they overcame them. Remind yourself that you possess that same strength.

If you are not the only newbie to the in-person group, you might want to take a moment to meet the others. Sharing your anxiety over appearing in person can help alleviate your fear. People united by a shared experience often grow together.

If you’ve only attended support groups via Zoom meetings, making a move to in-person can feel intimidating. Concerns about the location, the people, and your nerves can be scary. Don’t let these fears stop you from getting the support you need. Detox Center of Colorado provides intensive, in-person assistance in detoxing from drug and alcohol addiction. We evaluate your individual needs and provide medical, psychological, and psychiatric assessments. Call our beautiful Denver area location today at (303) 952-5035. We can help formulate the right plan for you that enables you to jumpstart your life for 2021.

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